Coaching Services

Talk to a Baby Decision Coach about your decision!

Do you need expert help applying the advice in The Baby Decision to your unique situation?

Building on your own ideas and intuition, Merle and Vanessa can answer questions like these:

“I want a shortcut. Which exercises and suggested readings are best for me/us?”
“Can you invent some exercises that are tailor-made for our/my decision?”
“Help! I want a child but my partner doesn’t.”
“I want a child, but my own childhood was awful. Can I be a good parent?”
“I know which way I’m leaning, but how do I turn that into a trustworthy decision?”
“How do we break the news to our parents that we decided to be childfree?”

Interested in getting started with individual coaching sessions?  Check out our newly launched Smart Start Program.

Helping people in all time zones:

Don’t let the international clock get in your way of working with a Baby Decision coach.  We have an international practice and can accommodate other time zones/continents.  We are happy to find times that are comfortable for both clients and coaches.

Whichever choice you make, know that your life will be richer for the choice!  Please know, it’s an honor and a privilege for us to be a part of your process!

Contact us today:

After you have reviewed our Smart Start Program page via the link above, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us for further information — either via our Contact Page form, or at or by calling 917-703-9144.

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