audiobook announcement

I am delighted to announce that The Baby Decision has just been released in audio book format! Actress/narrator Kathleen Godwin’s narration is warm and lively, full of humor and compassion.

Audio books are the fastest-growing format in publishing, according to industry experts. It makes sense. To read a physical book or e-book, you have to carve out time, find and hold the object. In this age of multi-tasking, “readers” are turning into listeners, so they can jog, garden, commute, or cook while finding solutions to their problems. You always know where your smartphone is.

Up until now, readers report that one member of the couple devours the book from cover-to-cover, while the other reads passages the other has highlighted for them. Then they do some of the “Secret Doors” exercises that the heavy-duty reader has selected for them. Also, the first reader may lurk nearby, studying the partner’s facial expressions and gestures. This can be distracting.

Now that second reader can go for a run, while learning without distraction. Also, couples can listen together while walking or driving. They can pause for conversation or to do an exercise.

Please let me know how you like the audio book. Is it easier, or more fun than the other formats? Did you like Godwin’s humor or strong voice?

Available on  Audible | Amazon | Apple iTunes


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